We thank our generous legal friends who we have partnered with for Wills Month. Participating solicitors and estate planners are:
Appointments available at their office in Colchester.
Appointments available at their offices in: Brightlingsea, Colchester and Mersea.
Appointments available at their offices in: Billericay, Braintree, Chelmsford, Clacton-On-Sea, Colchester, Frinton-on-Sea and Sudbury.
Appointments available at your home, at St Helena Hospice in Colchester or at their office in Brentwood.
Are you over 18 years old? Do you have children under the age of 18 years old? Have you recently got married or had a civil partnership? Separated from your spouse or civil partner? Have you got lots of assets?
These are a few key reasons to have a Will written and kept up to date. Best practise suggests reviewing your final wishes every five years as life can change so much in a short period of time.
• Register your interest for an appointment using the button below .
• Michelle or Kirsty from our fundraising team will contact you for further details, to book a suitable location and to agree payment method.
• Our team will book your appointment for you and will send a confirmation letter once this is confirmed with the legal professional you have chosen and upon receipt of payment.
• A courtesy call will be made by the fundraising team two business days prior to the appointment.
• After your appointment, we will ask you give some honest feedback of the experience received.
Read the full FAQs at the bottom of this page.
1. Who are your executor(s) and what are their addresses? (You can have up to four)
2. If you have children under 18 years, who are the agreed appointed guardians (include address)
3. List of assets (property, shares, premium bonds, savings etc).
4. List of obligations (outstanding mortgage balance, bank loans, over drafts – other debts)
5. Details of gifts to be left to family and/or friends
6. Details of any gifts for charities (do not forget the charity registered number, St Helena is 280919)
7. Funeral wishes
If you would like to know anything further, please contact us at giftsinwills@sthelena.org.uk
We would be honoured if you remembered St Helena Hospice in your Will. Your Will could do wonders! We ask that if you do remember us in your final wishes, that you let us know, so we can say thank you.
• Appointed a suitable person (an executor) to address your affairs on your behalf after you die.
• Got your funeral wishes recorded to ensure your wishes are as you would want. This can be such a help to family and friends, who may be finding it a very upsetting time and unable to think clearly.
• Arranged for guardianship of your children that are under 18 years old; who should care for your children. Without a Will, the courts decided.
• Included the people and charities you want to receive your assets, and which assets they should receive..
Without a Will, Intestacy rules will be applied.
Do not forget to put your Will in a safe place and make sure those closest to you know where this is kept.
If you are unable to take part in Wills Month or would like to pursue the option of a FREE Will instead, we can accommodate this option too with our partners at Octopus Legacy.
Register by contacting the fundraising team by phone 01206 931468 or email enquiries@sthelena.org.uk and give your details to register. Or complete our website registration form. Alternatively, you can register when completing your response form if an appeal you have received, carries the opportunity to register via this method.
To register when we contact you we need you to provide
It's very easy, simply provide:
• Name: St Helena Hospice Limited
• Charity registration number: 280919
• Registered address: Myland Hall, Bancroft Close, Highwoods, Colchester, Essex CO4 9JU
• Gift details: Is it a share of the estate (known as a residuary bequest) or a set amount of money (known as a pecuniary bequest)
Residuary gifts are a percentage of your estate after any cash gifts are taken off, here is some model wording
I give [insert percentage] of my residuary estate to St Helena Hospice (registered charity number 280919), Myland Hall, Barncroft Close, Highwoods, Colchester CO4 9JU to be applied for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the finance director or appropriate officer shall be a complete discharge to my trustees.
Pecuniary (Cash) Gift: these are paid out of your estate first, before any percentage gifts of what is remaining in your estate.
I give [insert amount] to St Helena Hospice (registered charity number 280919), Myland Hall, Barncroft Close, Highwoods, Colchester CO4 9JU to be applied for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the finance director or appropriate officer shall be a complete discharge to my trustees.
Once registered, we will contact you to take the minimum payment if you have not already done so via the website and to arrange availability for the appointment.
Your will progresses through a draft stage and then is finalised with your agreement and once final, needs to be witnessed.
Your donation, large or small, can make a big difference, giving more local people dignity and choice at the end of life.
Read stories DonateWhen you make a donation to St Helena Hospice, we are charged transactional fees by other companies, including fees for processing payments made to us, looking up addresses and validating bank account details.
We are very grateful to our donors who offer to offset some of these fees with a minor addition to their total amount. This is however completely optional and we are very grateful for your support whether or not you choose to contribute to processing fees.
CloseWe are able to claim an extra 25p on every £1 on your donation amount for no extra cost to you, as long as you are a UK tax payer; have paid enough income tax or capital gains tax in that tax year; and are donating your own money. If you pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference. For more information about Gift Aid, please visit https://www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/gift-aid