Compassionate communities are groups of people who want to help and support each other, especially when someone is experiencing serious or life limiting illness, ageing, caregiving, and loss, using social connectedness, kindness, and compassion.
A compassionate community approach can be adopted by friends, neighbourhoods, schools, clubs, workplaces, or any other groups of people who care about the wellbeing of their community, particularly in times of health crisis or personal loss.
There are many ways that compassionate communities can provide impactful support to others, from helping relatives to plan for a good end of life, to picking up a neighbour’s prescription, or sharing knowledge and experience. The smallest kind gesture can make the biggest difference, including checking that colleagues are ok in times of distress or starting a compassionate conversation with a bereaved friend.
This page contains a wealth of information about Compassionate Communities, so to help you quickly find what you're looking for, simply click on the relevant button below to jump to its section or continue to scroll down to browse the entire page.
Compassionate communities across north east Essex are coming together to help people develop the tools, confidence and resilience they need to provide support, empathy and a listening ear – and you can help too.
There are lots of ways that you can get involved at no cost, including sharing your experiences at local workshops, events and activities or attending free Compassionate Conversations training that helps people to talk with others about death, dying or loss.
You might be able to help organise group activities or awareness raising events, or become a Compassionate School or Compassionate Workplace. All of these support better end of life care for local communities and will help make a difference to those facing dying, death or bereavement.
Read more below or to find out more, contact us by using the form at the bottom of this page, email or call 01206 845566.
You can help others plan ahead by raising awareness of the My Care Choices Register - a record of a person’s decisions about the kind of care they wish to receive in the future if they were more unwell, and their preference for the place of care. We work with other local health and social care partners to promote this to people who are living with an incurable illness, dementia, or frailty.
Check out the "Useful Links and Resources" section at the bottom of this page for additional information.
St Helena Hospice supports a compassionate community approach and believes that everyone has a role to play in supporting others in times of health crisis or personal loss.
We are part of a network of local organisations and community champions in the Colchester and Tendring districts that has supported a range of activities and initiatives, with the aim of improving end of life care for everyone in North East Essex.
The North East Essex (NEE) Compassionate Community network is helping to:
If you or a loved one is facing incurable illness or bereavement and you're looking for other services and groups in your local community that can support you or them, The Essex Map is a useful resource to use.
You can search by category or by your own phrase i.e. 'grief support' or 'carer support' or 'lung disease' and you can see on the map what support is available near you.
A series of ‘Demystifying End of Life Care’ community workshops are aimed at breaking down barriers and demystifying taboos, while sharing and learning from each other’s experiences.
Each of these workshops has a different theme and include guest speakers and Q&A, as well as group discussion about dying, death and bereavement.
Anyone interested in learning more about end of life care options is welcome, including local residents, organisations, and service providers. Refreshments are provided.
Carer Awareness Training for Friends & Family is a series of awareness raising sessions for your community group, club, or social network aimed at providing the knowledge, confidence, and practical skills to help you care well for others during the last phase of life.
These informative and interactive free to attend sessions are for anyone, especially those who are - or could become - a caregiver for family or friends experiencing incurable or life-limiting illness.
Topics covered by an experienced nurse include understanding incurable or life limiting illness, using the significant care tool, advance care planning options, and being alongside a person in the last phase of life.
Up to five sessions are available depending on the groups learning preferences. An introductory session will help you identify if more sessions are needed.
Book an awareness training session by using the form at the bottom of this page, email or call 01206 845566.
St Helena is hosting a series of online sessions titled Demystifying Care for Friends and Family, use the button below to book onto a session.
Compassionate Conversations is a free two-hour awareness training session that is delivered in-person by St Helena.
This training is aimed at helping people to talk with others experiencing death, dying or loss by giving them the skills and confidence to enable open, honest, and sensitive conversations.
A series of online Compassionate Conversations Awareness Training sessions, delivered by St Elizabeth hospice in partnership with St Helena, are also available.
Compassionate Workplaces Awareness Training by St Helena provides the practical tools and resources needed by organisations to help support their workforce during life’s most difficult moments.
This free to attend practical session is aimed especially for line managers and HR teams, and will help build staff confidence and competencies, while supporting better long-term outcomes for businesses.
The full awareness training session is delivered face to face at St Helena hospice and lasts for two and a half hours. A Compassionate Workplace introduction session is also available online for anybody who is unable to commit to the full session.
Organisations or groups can also book a private Compassionate Workplace awareness training session. To find out more please contact us by using the form at the bottom of this page, email or call 01206 845566.
Walking has many proven health and wellbeing benefits that enable you to get some fresh air, gentle exercise, and to meet new people in safe and friendly space.
If you or a loved one is facing a health crisis or personal loss, you’d like to meet some new people, or you want to start walking to help keep fit but would like support, why not join a local walk.
Follow the links to Community360 and CVS Tendring for more information.
If you or a loved one is facing a health crisis or personal loss, you’d like to meet some new people, or you want to start walking to help keep fit but would like support, why not join these Compassionate Walks.
Have you ever wondered what a hospice looks like and what palliative care is? St Helena is offering you the chance to have a guided visit of the Hospice + Q&A with our nursing team, followed by a cuppa and conversation with our community team. Everyone is welcome.
Meet & Greet sessions are available on Friday mornings from 09.30 – 10.30.
To arrange a Meet & Greet visit for up to five people please contact us by using the form at the bottom of this page, email or call 01206 845566.
Colchester has been recognised as a Compassionate City by Compassionate Communities UK because of the many local people, projects and places that go above and beyond to help improve the lives of others facing serious or life-limiting illness, ageing, caregiving and loss through social connectedness, kindness and compassion.
We would like to celebrate Compassionate Community Champions who live or work in Colchester and invite you to nominate the people, projects and places who you believe should be recognised by the city.
Nominations can be made via our online form and all nominations will be reviewed by a panel of One Colchester Delivery Board representatives based on the criteria below. The panel will be in touch if more information is needed before making a decision. If your nomination is successful, you and the person, project or place you have nominated will be informed within two months of the nomination being received and will be invited to collect a certification of recognition by the Mayor of Colchester.
You can make a difference to others by supporting a compassionate community approach in Northeast Essex as a Compassionate Community Ambassador.
We believe that everyone has a role to play in supporting others to live their best life - and we know (because they have told us) that local people want to help others in their communities who are confronted with serious or life-limiting illness, ageing, caregiving, loss and isolation through social connectedness, kindness and compassion.
Compassionate Community Ambassadors are part of a network that helps share and promote information about local support services, makes connections with local groups + encourages kindness and compassion. Simply starting a conversation can make all the difference.
The network meets at St Helena Hospice, Colchester at 10.30 on the first Friday of every month. Everybody is welcome, if even just to find out more and meet new people. We invite you, your colleagues, family and friends to join us.
CLICK HERE to let us know that you are coming along to the next group meet-up, or want us to get in touch.
Colchester has been recognised as the first Compassionate City in the East of England, and to celebrate, the Compassionate Colchester Network is hosting a celebration event in recognition of all the people who are kind and compassionate in the city.
The people of Colchester are coming together to help the city to become the first Compassionate City in the East region.
St Helena Hospice, Colchester City Council, Essex County Council, local champions, businesses, organisations, and charities, have all been working together to identify how we can all help make a difference to people’s lives at times of most need.
We’d love to hear from local residents, clubs, organisations, businesses, schools, and services who want to help local communities and people experiencing death, dying and loss.
If you’re keen to find out more about how you can help grow a compassionate community in your neighbourhood, please email or call 01206 845566.
Useful links and resources for family and friends
Your donation, large or small, can make a big difference, giving more local people dignity and choice at the end of life.
Read stories DonateWhen you make a donation to St Helena Hospice, we are charged transactional fees by other companies, including fees for processing payments made to us, looking up addresses and validating bank account details.
We are very grateful to our donors who offer to offset some of these fees with a minor addition to their total amount. This is however completely optional and we are very grateful for your support whether or not you choose to contribute to processing fees.
CloseWe are able to claim an extra 25p on every £1 on your donation amount for no extra cost to you, as long as you are a UK tax payer; have paid enough income tax or capital gains tax in that tax year; and are donating your own money. If you pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference. For more information about Gift Aid, please visit