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A SinglePoint nurse with a microphone headset sat at a computer


SinglePoint is the care coordination hub for out of hospital end of life care in north east Essex, and our 24/7 advice and support helpline for people in the last year of life or those with specialist palliative care needs. SinglePoint works alongside other health and social care services such as GPs, community nurses and hospital specialists.

Members of the public, patients, relatives, carers, GPs and other medical and health and social care professionals can also get expert advice about end of life and specialist palliative care over the phone 24/7.

Throughout the night St Helena also provide the community nursing service, accessed via SinglePoint. This service supports patients with unexpected clinical issues (unplanned care) requiring nursing support, including things like blocked catheters and bowel issues. Any patients needing a referral or a request to the planned nursing care team for other care needs will need to be referred to the ESNEFT service.

For advice please phone SinglePoint on 01206 890 360.

Most cases can be dealt with over the phone, however in some circumstances a home visit can be offered if required.

The SinglePoint number can also be used for referrals into St Helena services or you can refer online. Please note that when a patient is added to the My Care Choices Register they are not automatically referred to St Helena, a separate referral is required to access our services.

HomeWard visiting a patient in their own home

Home Ward

The Home Ward, previously known as SinglePoint Virtual Ward, supports patients being cared for in their own homes with intense multiple needs at a time of crisis at the end of life. The aim of this increased support is to maintain patients in their usual place of residence by offering personal care visits and to prevent inappropriate admission to an acute setting. The service can also facilitate discharge from hospital where home is the preferred place of care.

This service is provided by Radfield Home Care in support of St Helena’s team of healthcare assistants across north east Essex. Depending on their needs, patients can be supported up to two times a day. 

Patients have access to the range of services provided by St Helena. Those caring for the patient are also supported. Physical, social, emotional and spiritual care will be recognised and supported by home ward to alleviate distress for the patient and their family.

Referral criteria

  • The patient is at end of life and requires care as recognised by a professional.
  • The patient’s preferred place of care will be their usual place of residence and they do not wish to be admitted to another place of care, including hospital.
  • The patient is in hospital with a desire to be discharged home to die and care needs are complex and unstable.
  • The patient does not have an existing care package, and is not eligible for any other funded package of care. If they do/are, then a referral should be made to St Helena and support services will be arranged in the normal way.

To refer a patient please call SinglePoint on 01206 890 360. 

Please obtain patient consent prior to making a referral. 

Radfield Home Care Night Visits:

We believe that our domiciliary night visits service, provided by Radfield Home care in support of St Helena, fills a crucial gap in the continuum of care, offering round-the-clock support to individuals and families in our community. Whether it's assistance with medication management, a safety check-in, or simply a comforting presence during the night, our dedicated team is here to provide compassionate and reliable care.

To make referrals for night visits please contact 01206 646 822 and email a referral form to or

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