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Read stories DonateJoin us at our annual Light up a Life events this Christmas at either Frinton or Colchester as the community comes together to remember and celebrate the memories of those we love and miss.
This year we are holding our Light up a Life events at both the Hospice in Colchester and in Frinton town centre, so more people can join us to reflect and remember at this poignant time of year, regardless of how or where their loved one died.
You are invited to attend the event and to dedicate a light in memory of loved ones on our Christmas trees.
Both Light up a Life events will include carols performed by the Salvation Army as the lights are turned on, on the Christmas tree, refreshments, a small selection of stalls, and some words of reflection from Tim Leeson, spiritual lead at St Helena.
The Christmas tree is in the Triangle Shopping Centre and we invite you to join us for community remembrance event where the tree will be lit up to remember those we have lost. The formal remembrance will commence at 4pm, with the Christmas tree being lit at approximately 5pm.
Parking: Highwoods Car Park
Our Christmas tree is in the Hospice gardens, and we invite you to join us for a small remembrance event where our gardens will light up to remember those we love and miss. The formal remembrance will commence at 4pm, with the Christmas tree being lit at approximately 5pm.
Places note that places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis. We look forward to seeing you.
You can view a full list of our Light up a Life terms and conditions here.
Light up a Life is kindly sponsored by Weeks Construction and Hunnaball Family Funeral Group.
'Weeks Group truly value our relationship with St Helena and I personally am very thankful for the support that my family received from them in the past so it is an absolute pleasure to be sponsoring their Light up a Life event and a decision that was very easy to make'
"The Hunnaball Family Funeral Group have been avid supporters of St Helena Hospice since the very beginning. We have been both professionally and personally astounded by the level of care and compassion St Helena provide. We understand how vital it is in navigating grief to remember, reflect and honour those we have lost, in addition to our own Light A Candle Services (details can be found at we are, as always, honoured to sponsor St Helena’s Light up a Life event 2024."
Melanie Hunnaball
When you make a donation to St Helena Hospice, we are charged transactional fees by other companies, including fees for processing payments made to us, looking up addresses and validating bank account details.
We are very grateful to our donors who offer to offset some of these fees with a minor addition to their total amount. This is however completely optional and we are very grateful for your support whether or not you choose to contribute to processing fees.
CloseWe are able to claim an extra 25p on every £1 on your donation amount for no extra cost to you, as long as you are a UK tax payer; have paid enough income tax or capital gains tax in that tax year; and are donating your own money. If you pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference. For more information about Gift Aid, please visit