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On my first day I was rather anxious because the cook was very strict and there was lots to remember.
I have quite a few memories over the last 35 years, but one outstanding: we had our volunteers’ day in Harwich and just when lunch was being announced, I was called to a phone by my favourite cook. A nurse from the inpatient unit had asked if I would mind coming to sit and speak with a German patient who had no family here and little English (I am German). It really brought it home to me just how much the staff cared for patients, realising the importance for them to be able to communicate in their last hours. Luckily I had come in my own car and was able to get to that patient, and later also communicate with the family in Germany.
What keeps me volunteering? I just do not like giving up activities, once I get into them I have to be given notice before I quit!
Needless to say, I have met all kinds of people over the years, in the main lovely, friendly, caring, considerate people.
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