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Read stories DonateWhen people in our community were asked what was important to them at this stage of their lives they said that they wished to have sensitive conversations about their future, choices with regards to their care, and that these choices should be used where possible to coordinate their future health care.
This process of considering, discussing and sharing priorities for future care is called advance care planning and it can make a difference to you and your loved ones.
People who create an advance care plan are more likely to receive care in line with their wishes and to be cared for in a place of preference, it can also minimise unwanted or unnecessary hospital admissions. It can enhance your sense of control and give you more peace of mind and it also decreases the burden of decision making for your family because they understand your wishes in advance. It has also been shown to decrease the distress of bereavement.
This national advance care planning day provides an opportunity to consider what is important to you at this stage of your life, to talk about it with the people close to you and to share these thoughts with your health care team.
In north east Essex these decisions can be recorded on the My Care Choices Register so that health care professionals involved in your care can see what is important to you.
When you make a donation to St Helena Hospice, we are charged transactional fees by other companies, including fees for processing payments made to us, looking up addresses and validating bank account details.
We are very grateful to our donors who offer to offset some of these fees with a minor addition to their total amount. This is however completely optional and we are very grateful for your support whether or not you choose to contribute to processing fees.
CloseWe are able to claim an extra 25p on every £1 on your donation amount for no extra cost to you, as long as you are a UK tax payer; have paid enough income tax or capital gains tax in that tax year; and are donating your own money. If you pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference. For more information about Gift Aid, please visit